Press review

Corriere della Sera / by Rita Querzè The Enterprise City Festival returns to stop in Bergamo for its second edition. It starts today and continues through Sunday, Oct. 28, with a packed schedule of meetings. At the center, companies, growth, people. (more…)
Freedom / by Patrizia Soffientini The audience at the Teatini, made up of dignitaries, students and entrepreneurs, murmurs sympathetically when sociologist Aldo Bonomi, director of the Aster Consortium, launches the formula for Piacenza to “hold the cup and Amazon together.” (more…)
The Morning Post of Padua / by Roberta Paolini Populism as a cipher of the present, the attitude of growth and then normalization of a movement that becomes political and imposes itself as a distributor of utopias, that annihilates intermediate bodies and insinuates itself as…
The Morning News of Padua / by Nicola Brillo The new triangle of Italian economic development Veneto-Emilia-Lombardy and their districts (in recovery) are the protagonists of the 11th edition of the Festival Città Impresa. The event will be held April 13-15 in Vicenza. (more…)
Vicenza Newspaper / by Matteo Carollo The Northeast’s recovery, with the spotlight on the real economy. This will be the theme of the 11th Festival Città Impresa, scheduled in the city from Friday to Sunday. In particular, through more than 30 meetings, the new Veneto-Emilia-Lombardy…
The Echo of Bergamo / by Franco Cattaneo. “Confidence,” an asset not to be wasted, is the key word of Paolo Gentiloni’s speech in the favorable setting of Kilometro Rosso: “Our businesses, cities, Bergamo, and territorial systems have what it takes to compete and have…
The Vicenza Newspaper. Three days of events, from this morning to April 2, with leading players in national and international politics and business. Today alone, to say, the guest list includes European Parliament President Antonio Tajani, among others. Tomorrow, on the other hand, Infrastructure Minister…
The Vicenza Newspaper. From Friday, March 31 to Sunday, April 2, the tenth edition of the Città Impresa Festival will animate the entire historic center of Vicenza along the axis of Corso Palladio: from the Teatro Olimpico, home of the great debates, to Palazzo Chiericati,…