It closed this afternoon in the city of Palladio, the tenth edition of the Festival Città Impresa, which has enlivened the center of Vicenza since Friday, March 31 , transforming it into a small Italian capital of economic-political debate, as witnessed by the feedback in the national and local press in recent days.Sold out for the 31 debates scheduled over the 3 days of the event, which opened by focusing on the Northeast-Milan-Turin axis and then continued on topical issues: from the future of banking to work and industry in the age of 4.0, from the new geopolitical balances in the age of Trump to the phenomenon of populism. The Festival’s list of great guests is very extensive, with the presence of European Parliament President Antonio Tajani, Infrastructure Minister Graziano Delrio; as well as Anac President Raffaele Cantone to Giuseppe De Rita, president of Censis. Representatives from the business world were also prominent: Claudio Descalzi (ad Eni), Renato Mazzoncini (ad Ferrovie dello Stato Italiane), Gerhard Dambach (Bosch Italia), Attilio Imi (Trafimet); and again, Andrea Rigoni, Elena Zambon, Katia Da Ros, Gianluca Seguso . The city administration, with Mayor Achille Variati and Deputy Mayor Jacopo Bulgarini d’Elci, followed the most important events by bringing the City’s greetings, assuring full support to the Festival and opening the doors of the Teatro Olimpico, which confirmed itself as an exceptional location for high-level initiatives. As for the audience, the quantitatively most significant presence came from entrepreneurs from the Veneto region, who were particularly interested in real economy issues, and from the under-30s, who represented on average a third of the audience in the hall; 240 young researchers and PhD students came from all over Italy. “The Enterprise City Festival has served well as a venue for meeting, processing and comparing what should be
Northeast’s new strategy– comments Filiberto Zovico, editor of VeneziePost and promoter of the Festival – The era of localism is over; it is necessary to build with the new actors who have a metropolitan vision, capable of dialogue with Rome, Milan and Brussels, a territorial project capable of supporting the growth of the business world. Without businesses that can grow and thrive, without infrastructure capable of connecting them to the world, without a polytechnic education system, without the ability to enhance our network of cities, we are doomed to decline, as indeed the very recent 2016 Report edited by the Northeastern Foundation pointed out.” “The appointment is now with the Galileo Festival of Innovation, scheduled to take place in Padua from May 11 to 13, which will constitute, after the Green Week we held in Trento and after this wonderful edition of the Festival Città Impresa, a fundamental appointment to be at the side of young people and businesses in the continuous process of innovation and development necessary to continue to compete in global markets,” Zovico concludes.