Productivity, education, and competition: this is how we meet the challenges of the future

Bergamo Courier.

Python? And che cos’è? Who has gray hair on his head (or none at all) casts questioning glances,while at theopening of the Città Impresa Festival, economist, Bergamasquein the world, Francesco Giavazzi, points toknowledge ofthislanguage,used inmanytypes of applications, as a fundamental precept of the future. Those who were stuck on English, please modernize. Andlearn to lookbeyond. “Because looking backward is one of our evils. Even inItalian banking matters, there will be a magistrate to judgewhathappened, but let us learn to look forward.” Even beyond boastingabout theterritory, which Giavazzi says, “It is our own element, to be valuedalong with what we do, but without using it as protection. Let’s not set out to make and the Nebraska. Certainlyin do it better in Nebraska.”

Themany young people in theaudience-some of them former students of the professor-listenedfascinated to a speech that, like auniversity lecture, had the virtue of bringingBergamocloser tothe world, by makethe greatby themes; from Macron to Merkel , at major European decision-making tables (“dove our fragility does not there allows us to be present .” stresses) to finishandto the realities scholastic of ca sa nostra. An than theprofessionallypainful ones, on which school head Patrizia Grazianinods, because the gap in technicalcollege students between Germanyand Italy indicates a 1 to 100 ratio: 8,000 on books here and 800,000 there. Andfor businesses , large ( the so-called “hares that corrono”) andsmall,findteste giocompartmentsand good hands becometa a problem (“but it is a fundamental interest,” notes Stefano Scaglia,presidentof Confindustria , “to protect the human capitalthat is builtin the company.”). Companies Attraction 4.0. “Well come a university that you teach todialoguewith the machines, but to providewhat we need Andtobe infront. That, in the case theparadigmscambino, can decode reality withlogic and history,” continued Giavazzi, who drops the trio of aces, with which the country will be able to winre the challenge of tomorrow.

Education, competition (“delegate and foster osmosis between publicand private”) and productivity. Che non è uno zero,come qualche report, su un grande tavolo europeo, vorrebbe far credere. Ci sono le grandi aziende manifatturiere che corrono, mentre le pic cosuffer them. Pic coI no longer look so good. “Sot to 20 employees there is no productivity, least of all in enterprises where the public shareholding is more than 30 percent,” Giavazzi concludesunder the gaze – a little like this – of Mayor Gori. “Recovering productivity” isalso the core of the afternoon talk by Simona Camerano, head ofResearch and Studiesat Cassa Depositi e Prestiti,perhaps the main observatory, the concrete thermometerby which to measure theItalian recovery .

Itis here, at Cdp that, in fact, is often abusedby the “public” who want to invest. “And in inve stiments, which in the years of the crisis, have reflected by 30 percent, but which are now restarting and in a banking class from whichit camepositive signs” there isthe key to theengine of a “recoverythat,” Camerano concludes, “seems tobe there and needs to be sustained. Theyoung people, lots of them, takenotes. The festival and its co ntenues are for them. The echoes nomists of tomorrow, who at 13 years oldlearnedPython in half ao pomeriggio. Not without A hint ofenvyfrom Giavazzi.


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